Fixing Low Testosterone, Can It Be Done?
Low Testosterone (L testosterone) is one of the most common conditions that men face today. It often goes unnoticed because it manifests itself so differently among different men. For example, some men will notice that their symptoms are much lessened after taking male sex hormone supplements. On the other hand, some other men may not experience any noticeable change in their testosterone levels even after taking those supplements.
Low Testosterone can lead to many visible effects in some men: More firm, bigger, and softer breasts. Declined sperm production, decreased sperm mobility, reduced sperm quality, less sperm count, and infertility. Loss of body hair, severe depression, mood changes, and even less energy (often happens over a long period of time) are symptoms of low testosterone levels. Older men, whose Testosterone levels are already within the normal range, commonly suffer from the symptoms of aging.
How does low testosterone help develop these symptoms? As the levels of testosterone in the body begin to drop, the amount of human growth hormone is also reduced. This can lead to reduced muscle mass and strength, loss of bone density, depression, anxiety, and irritability. Men with low levels of testosterone may also notice that they have more frequent or worse erectile dysfunction, experience a decreased libido, and have less body hair than other men. These are the same symptoms that older men develop. Although low testosterone helps older men suffer from these problems, it may also help younger men develop them as well.
Because low testosterone is often associated with certain medical conditions that affect the way the body normally produces hormones, doctors often prescribe hormone replacement therapy or suggest lifestyle changes to treat those conditions. These medical treatments do not always provide a full cure for low testosterone; in some cases, they simply relieve symptoms. If lifestyle changes and medical treatments do not work, however, doctors will usually recommend testosterone injections to boost energy levels and to reduce symptoms.
There are some things you can do on your own, though, to make sure that your doctor’s suggestions will work for you. Since testosterone replacement therapy can be costly, you should talk to a men’s sexual dysfunction doctor to help with ED, PE and low testosterone to understand ways to naturally improve your testosterone levels. In most cases, a simple change in diet can help. Make sure your foods contain plenty of protein and vitamins A, D, E, B-complex, K, and zinc; avoid red meats and saturated fats; and get plenty of daily exercise.
Sleep apnea sufferers also report improved sex drive and increased stamina after treating their condition with testosterone therapy. Sleep apnea is a common condition that can be easily traced to low testosterone levels. In men, sleep apnea results when the passageway for air in the male body collapses as he sleeps, allowing stomach secretions to enter the throat, thus decreasing the quantity and quality of oxygen that flows into the brain and spinal cord. The result is an exhausted, fatigued feeling that makes it difficult to concentrate and keep organized. In women, sleep apnea results when the body repeatedly stops breathing while asleep, which causes the woman to experience shortness of breath during the night.
Low Testosterone (Male hypogonadism) is a disorder where the male reproductive organs do not release enough testosterone (a male hormone) into the bloodstream. In men, testosterone aids to maintain and grow: Muscle mass, sexual ability. It also helps develop a sense of sexual entitlement, and a willingness to take risks. Low Testosterone can cause a variety of medical conditions that can cause discomfort or even danger to you, your partner, or others.
There are many causes of low testosterone levels, though age is one of the primary contributors. Other causes include infections, disease, hormonal disorders, radiation exposure and chemotherapy. Low Testosterone can result from a number of different diseases and can affect men of all ages. Some of the less common causes of low testosterone levels are hypogonadism due to diabetes, pituitary gland disease and congenital hormonal disorders. Of these, diabetes is the most common cause of hypogonadism, as the body cannot properly use hormones produced by the pituitary gland. Other causes include congenital hormonal disorders, radiation exposure, infection and liver disease.
If you think you may have Low Testosterone Syndrome, consult your doctor. Testing for this condition is done on a blood test every year in order to keep an eye on your hormone levels. The doctor will also be able to tell you whether or not you have symptoms of Low Testosterone; some of the symptoms include impotence, decreased libido, weight gain, muscle loss, decreased sperm count, decreased prostate function, increased risk of prostate cancer, depression, fatigue, osteoporosis, and a decreased level of sex drive.
When it comes to symptoms of Low Testosterone, the most common ones include decreased levels of energy, fatigue, decreased libido, decreased sex drive and reduced levels of energy. In older men, low testosterone levels are more common and can cause erectile dysfunction and decrease in sperm count. In order for men with reduced levels of testosterone to maintain a healthy weight, diet and exercise are the best options. Lifestyle changes like avoiding tobacco and alcohol, quitting drugs and quitting carbonated beverages are also helpful.
While low testosterone levels are not life threatening or anything that you should worry about too much, they can affect a man’s sexual life. Because of this, it is important to consult with your doctor if you notice any reduced levels of interest in sex. You can then discuss certain medications that you can take to help your condition, but there are also certain medications that you should avoid because of their side effects.
If you notice any of the above symptoms of low testosterone therapy, talk to your doctor right away. They will be able to identify the cause and recommend the best treatment course of action for you. Remember, having this condition may be normal, but it doesn’t mean that you don’t have other conditions that may be causing these symptoms. By talking to your doctor and doing some research, you should be able to find a treatment method that works for you.
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